- Martian Manhunter has been running around dressed like a male stripper for much too long. With the launch of a new series Martian Manhunter will also be getting a new look. Previews of the new book and Manhunter's new look are available at Comic Book Resources and Newsrama.
- Multiple websites are reporting that brothers Greg and Colin Strause have signed on to be the directors of Alien vs Predator 2. The Strause brothers are known for various music videos they've directed. You can check out their resume of work at their official website HERE.
- Superman documentary to air on A&E on June 12th. "Look, Up in Sky. The Amazing Story of Superman" The Documentary was put together by Bryan Singer and Kevin Burns and covers the early days of Superman radio show all the way up to the upcoming "Superman Returns". The documentary is narrated by Kevin Spacey and is receiving positive reviews. For a more detailed review of the DVD version of the upcoming documentary head over to AICN.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
News You Already Know
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Civil War: Front Line
Yesterday we reported that we would have round the clock 24/7 coverage of Marvel's Civil War. Today Marvel released Front Line as a tie in to this company wide crossover. Now you can feast upon all the important details in easy to swallow bites.
- Spiderman is still on the fence about whose side to be on.
- Tony Stark revealed to the world that he is Iron Man, to show his support for registration.
- Speedball's body was found in Stockton, Upstate New York.
- Not only is Speedball NOT dead, he no longer has powers and was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.
That's all we've got today but check back all the time because news could break ANYTIME. But will more than likely break of Wednesdays when new books come out.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Half Ass War Coverage
The Marvel Universe has broke out in to Civil War. The government wants anyone with super powers to register with the government and be trained by the government and work for the government. You can see the pattern right?
The Super Human Registration Act has split the heroes of Marvel right down the middle. Some characters like Iron Man are Pro-Registration while others like Captain America are firmly against it. The first issue came out almost a month ago and since then there's been about 100 different tie-in issues. Next week issue 2 comes out and it's been promised by Marvel that the last page will set the internet on fire. I don't really think that's possible but I did put a fire extinguisher next to my PC.
Just like CNN or FOX News "Cee Diddy Holla" will be cranking out around the clock 24/7 news coverage of Marvel's Civil War. If it happens during Civil War, CDH will be here to report it. It's only fair that I tell you all that I won't be buying a lot of the tie-in issues that help make up the Civil War, which sorta turns my 24/7 news coverage in to half ass war coverage. Although I won't waste my money buying every book that says "Civil War" (Due to the fact that I'm still buying DC books that says "One Year Later") I will make the promise to flip through the pages of those books and try to remember everything I can and report it back to you.
Monday, June 05, 2006
News You Already Know
It would be great if I could bring all my fans the most up to date news in the comic book world but it's just not going to happen. Instead what I can do is post tidbits of news that I've come across while surfing the web. Enjoy my first installment of, "News You Already Know".
- The news broke last week that DC comics was bringing back Batwoman to the DC universe. DC Executive Editor Dan Dido has been quoted saying that Batwoman would only being appearing in the pages of 52, but Monday Rich Johnston reported in his article "Lying in the Gutters" that an ongoing series is already in the works to be launched this year with the creative team of Devin Grayson & Dustin Nguyen.
- A lot of different sites are reporting that casting for "Fantastic Four: The Next Chapter" is underway. A press release from Elite Casting explained that they're looking for many different "TYPES". I have no idea what that means. It also says that the Fantastic Four will be battling Silver Surfer and Galactus. If the story is true this means one thing. Fox Studios has NO LOVE for the Moleman.
- WizardWorld: Philadelphia took place over the weekend. Newsrama.com had the best coverage I saw this weekend with reviews of every major panel that took place. I won't just copy and paste everything they posted but will mention a few highlights in easy to swallow morsels.
- DC gets lucky and Ed McGuiness signs with Marvel.
- Marvel will be releasing a HALO graphic novel in July.
- Dr.Strange miniseries in October from Brain K Vaughn & Marcos Martin.
- Joe Quesada hasn't read DC's Infinite Crisis yet.
- DC is releasing a Mystery in Space miniseries by Jim Starlin & Shane Davis that will feature the new Captain Atom.
- The Omega Men return to DC in October courtesy of Anderson Gabrych & Henry Flint.
- Martian Manhunter might not be the sole survivor of Mars.
- Morrison & Kubert's "Son of Batman" story will have ties to "Son of the Demon".
- That's really just a small glimpse at what was revealed at WizardWorld. If you want more details please check out Newsrama.com for their coverage.
The Start of Something Average
I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog for some time now. Most people start a blog because they've got something to say, they wanna be heard by the masses. The bloggers of the world need to see their screen names up in lights. After they see the new trailer for a movie that comes out in 6 months they thrive to be the first on their blog to bash the hell out of it. Other bloggers have already tasted the sweet flavor of fame and use their blog to keep snacking on seconds. I fall somewhere in the middle. I'm nowhere near famous. Not only have I never tasted fame if I went to the restaurant where they served fame I would be ejected from the restaurant like a hobo. I wouldn't mind being famous but at the same time how famous can one really get from writing a blog? Not just any blog mind you, a blog about comic books.
So this begins my experiment with writing a blog. Do I think this will result in a big steaming plate of fame? Hell Yeah!!...............Okay maybe not a big steaming plate but perhaps an appetizer.
Now the big question. What the hell is this blog all about? Basically I pride myself in being a pretty big Geek. I can be a geek in a lot of different categories but my favorite is being a comic book geek. Talking about comics is addictive to me. If someone starts talking about comics with me I automatically go in to Uber-Geek mode and won't stop until my voice is gone or until the other person runs away. Don't get me wrong though I am not one of those fanboys who feels he knows everything. There's plenty of comic crap that I don't know and that's part of the fun in talking to another geek cause I always learn something new. With this blog I hope to spread some knowledge, learn a few new things, get my opinions out there, and have some fun. This blog that I've titled "Cee Diddy Holla" will feature some news, reviews, and articles all relating to comics and the worlds that they dip in to. In other words, I'll be right there bashing that trailer for a movie that doesn't come out for six months.