Now that the two big comic book movies of the summer have been released, which one did a better job at delivering the geeky goods?
Before either of them came out most fans we're already down on X3 for lack of Bryan Singer and already praising Supes Return because of Singer. It's safe to say that Superman Returns was going in to this summer as the big winner, but is it really?
It took Superman Returns 8 days to break the 100 million dollar mark. X3 accomplished that in just 3 days. Does that make X3 better than Supes? Maybe not but it shows more people wanted to see it right away. It also shows word of mouth spread much quicker for X3. Even with all the plot holes and corny dialouge, someone enjoyed it.
The major complaint with X3 is that the movie has no heart. One major problem with Superman Returns, is too much heart. Too bad the movie wasn't X-Men meets Superman.
It's safe to say that both movies had their flaws. But which had just enough flaws to beat the other? I can't pick a clear winner in this battle. I was like a lot of people that thought Superman was just going to OWN this summer. While I enjoyed it, I did feel a lil let down when it was over. X3 on the other hand I was just expecting a shit sandwhich and instead thought it was better than expecting.
What did everyone else think? Who was the big winner this summer. What movie was better, X3 or Superman Retruns and why.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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We've already talked about how disappointed I was by X3. No need to beat a dead horse.
I had no qualms with Superman. I know some comic book kinda people were in uproar about the kid, but I love Superman more than most and the kid didn't bother me at all.
For a comic book nerd, maybe Superman disappointed. As an overall movie, Superman Returns was more than just a popcorn movie, which is all X3 really seemed to come down to in the end.
Sean votes Superman.
Heres the deal.....X-3 got alot of shit thrown at it and maybe and for good reason, but I along with Derek, I went into X-3 expecting a heaping pile dog shit and came out with a better taste in my mouth than expected. While it was no X-2 in my view, it wasn't as bad as people claimed it to be.
Now Superman I went into wondering weather I would like it or not due to mixed reviews and not being a hardcore superman fan, but just a fan in general. Alas, I came out of the theater enjoying it alot. I thought from a movie stand point Superman was a more bright lights, big action, great special fx, better acted, better writen and directed film. It did have it's flaws and plot holes but fortunetly it looked so good that it was almost an after thought. When it's all said and done Superman eclipsed X-3 in alot of ways, but to me was NO Batman Begins, which I guess stood out for exceeding expectations rather than meeting them.
FInal point, maybe if we sat back and remembered the days when an X-Men movie, a Spiderman movie or a new Superman movie hitting theaters seemed completely far-fetched and just enjoy the fact that we finally get to enjoy these films. With that said, I do love a good bring on Clerks 2!
That's it for now.
I wonder what it would have been like if Bret Ratner did Superman and Singer did X3 like originally planned. But I had high expectations because they hyped the shit out of X3. They did the same thing with Halo 2 and it got people's expectations too high. You only saw one Superman trailer like 2 weeks before the movie came out. I think that was the big downfall of X-men, everyone's expectations were too high. I think if they didn't rush it to shove it up Singer's ass (in more ways than one. agh god, whyyyyy....) it probably could've been better I guess. I still liked Superman alot more though because it was in depth and they took their time with it. Let's start the chant for the next Batman movie.
I have no idea what I just said.
Check out that link. I just watched it and made me glad how superman turned out even more because if you hear all the stuff that they wanted it to could've been alot worse. Nick Cage as Superman and Superman with scissor hands and Braniac who has a sidekick robot with a black gay voice...
click on the name thingy if you wanna see it.
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