Monday, November 13, 2006

Reviews in Ten Words or Less

* Action Comics # 844 - Decent start but not overly impressed.

* Civil War: Choosing Sides # 1 - Waste of Money!

* What If: Avengers Disassembled # 1 - Waste of Mo Money!

* Daredevil # 90 - Very cool, still one of the best books each month!

* Justice League of America # 3 - Good stuff, but moving too slow.

* Nextwave # 9 - Funny as hell, damn you all its being cancelled.

* Uncanny X-Men # 480 - Still an interesting read.

* Heroes For Hire # 2 & 3 - Great stuff, good art, great storytelling.

* Incredible Hulk # 100 - Overpriced, but good. Great story.

* Outsiders # 42 - Eh, getting tired.

* Secret Six # 5 - Very cool, expect the trade in a few months.

* Trials of Shazam! 2 & 3 - Cool concept, really enjoying this one.

* Earth's Mightiest Heroes # 1 - Not as good as the first one.

* Teen Titans # 40 - Still a great title!

* Wolverine Origins # 8 - Eh, maybe 6 months before it's cancelled.

* Batman # 658 - Grant Morrison was born to write Batman.

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