Sunday, December 03, 2006

Top 5 Lists 06

With 2006 coming to an end I've decided to make a few Top 5 Lists for the site. When I have the time I'm going to post a few here and there. Feel free to play along and add your own lists, using the topics I post.

Favorite 5 Titles of 2006
5. Captain America
4. Daredevil
3. Ultimates 2
2. Astonishing X-Men
1. All-Star Superman

Top 5 Books I Need to Drop in 2007
5. Exiles
4. Flash
3. Superman & Batman
2. Ultimate Spider-Man
1. Green Arrow

Top 5 Upcoming Titles I'm Excited About
5. Thunderbolts (relaunch)
4. Brave & The Bold
3. Ultimates 3
2. Omega Flight
1. The Mighty Avengers


Anonymous said...

You forgot to put Runaways on your Favorite 5 Titles list! =)


Anonymous said...

Favorite 5 of 2006

4. 52
3. Eternals
2. All-Star Superman
1. Y: The Last Man

Honorable mention to Justice League of America, but 3 issues isn't enough to put in the top 5 over the others

5 To Be/Have Been Dropped for 2007

5. Maybe Legion if Mark Waid keeps getting fill-in writers
4. Maybe Superman Confidential
3. Batman/Superman
2. Supergirl
1. New Avengers. For the love of God, New Avengers.

5 Looking Forward To

5. Superman and Batman VS. Aliens and Predators (That just sounds badass.)
4. Punisher War Journal looks promising
3. Teen Titans East Stoyline
2. Ending to Y: The Last Man
1. Action Comics

Anonymous said...

what about emoby?