Sunday, February 25, 2007

NY Comic Con: I Heard You Wanted to Meet Me...

While we were in line we talked about a great pick up line for Shane to use on this hot Jedi girl we saw. The line was simple and right to the point, "I heard you wanted to meet me." Shane loved this line and was determined to use it. So during our quest for AA batteries we came across the Marvel Booth. Our goal was to ask Joe Quesada for AA batteries. I mean the guy runs Marvel I don't see why he wouldn't have a few extra batteries on him. Although that was the plan it was derailed when Shane-O met Virgina....


So I needed AA batteries for my hungry camera. Joe Q was busy interviewing some assholes with a camera. So I asked this slammin' girl if she had any AA batteries and she kind of laughed and said no. There was this cubicle with storage for the con and I asked if they were in there and she said no. Then I asked if Joe Q would have any...just a straight flat out quick no from her. She seemed like that would be a bad move to ask him. I did not listen as I will explain later. So then I asked her with her being a girl and all, what her opinion would be if a guy asked "hey, I heard you wanted to meet me." She seemed a little put off as to why I was actually using that line on her, which I wasn't. She said I would turn away if he was creepy or laugh if he was wasn't, and she laughed when I did it. We played a bit of the flirt game for a bit about Joe Q having a AA battery utility belt. But then awkward Shane came into play. There was about a minute too long of me hanging in there. 10 seconds of silence and so she finally says, "well nice to meet you" and put out her hand, and I said Shane and she said Virginia. Then some guy who probably was her boyfriend came up and started kissing her as Derek and I walked away. He was my wingman to get me out of that awkward situation ending. Then our quest into the middle east for AA batteries continued.


Before I can go on the exciting conclusion of our quest for AA batteries I need to comment on Shane's version of that story. Shane really had a shot with this chick and will hopefully seal the deal tomorrow. Shane did screw up by being there a minute too long but I also swear to God that when he introduced himself by saying "I"m Shane." that her reply was , "Nice to know." I could be wrong but only time will tell. Tomorrow we're going to post more from Day 2 and maybe even some Day 3 stories.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish i coulda been...classic shane'o