Friday, March 09, 2007

Post #97

Myself with Greg Rucka. Rucka actually asked for this picture to be taken when he heard Gorilla Grood was at the Con.We try to go and have a good time at the Con but Shane has to piss off the Empire by calling Vader an Emo lil sissy girl.
Mick Foley was signing copies of his new book at the Con. He was also seen slapping babies.
"So uh what are you doing after the con cause I was thinking that my Mom is picking me up at 8 but there's room in the car for both of us..."
Check out the guy behind Elektra. If anyone has a shot at stabbing her with a sai, it's that guy.

Little by little we begin to approach post #100. Big site news will be announced on that post. There's a good chance we could see that post by Sunday night. Until then enjoy a few more pics from the New York Comic Con.

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