Monday, January 08, 2007

Civil War Late Breaking News

So issue #6 came out last week and it was okay, but nothing that split the Internet. The scene with Punisher was great and the ending was also a classic moment, but overall it was slow and makes you wonder how things are going to get wrapped up in one more issue.

What was even better(to a degree) was Civil War: Front Line. It's been hinted for some time that Tony Stark is backing this war for his own personal gain. We already know that Tony is going to end up as the Director of S.H.E.I.L.D. but would he really start a war for a job? Tony's already got plenty of cash so would he really be doing this for cash? So is this all because of guilt? Now I think we're getting somewhere. What if the accident in Stamford was something that Tony helped caused. If you think back there's always been a rumor that Tony had some sort of control over Nitro's powers. Maybe Tony messed up so bad that he's doing whatever it takes to cover his tracks.

Also in FL we saw Bobby Baldwin finally transform from Speedball to Penance. The Speedball story has been an emotional and entertaining ride.

So what will happen in Civil War #7? Honestly I have no fucking idea but I will be searching the forums everywhere to find the most Crazy Ass Rumors around. If you come across any good one feel free to email them to CeeDiddy4h@AOL.Com and we'll post them up in our next Crazy Ass Rumor post.

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