Saturday, January 13, 2007

Crazy Ass Rumors

I've finally learned my lesson. I was all ready to make a post of crazy ass rumors and I waited and then got scooped by Newsarama. They announced Dr.Strange as a member of New Avengers before I could. Damn them!! Let's hope some of these other crazy ass rumors can make up for that.

* Speaking of New Avengers. Bendis is announcing a new member every day on So far announced is Echo, Ronin, and Dr. Strange. There's four more to be announced. The rumors we've come across lead us to expect Hawkeye, Sue Storm, Winter Solider, and Luke Cage.

* Ray Palmer is Supernova.

* Civil War: The Return will feature the return of the original Captain Marvel. The Crazy Ass Rumor part of this is that The Sentry will be his human host, as Rick Jones was previously.

Now if you don't like that one, try this.....

* Civil War: The Return will feature the return of Thor. The Sentry will discover that Donald Blake is a prisoner in the Negative Zone Prison. Sentry will help him find the hammer to once again become Thor.

* Civil War: Fallen Son, will be a five issue mini series that deals with the death of a hero that comes in issue 7 of Civil War. So who is it? One thing that may be a clue is that each issue will feature a member of the New Avengers. Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Captain America. Right now there's a lot of speculation out there. Some feel it's Captain America that gets killed. Others think it's Iron Man. We're going with Luke Cage on this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good thing it says crazy ass rumors and not crazy ass truth because supernova is NOT ray palmer! Booyah.