Wednesday, February 28, 2007

NY Comic Con: Meeting the Stars Part 2

While searching for batteries we soon realized something. There was a Hudson News stand that sold everything. So we headed over there where we met a woman who spoke no English at all, unless it was the numbers. For example, when I told her I was so happy to find someone who was selling batteries, she replied with, "Beep Beep Bop Bo Bo Bo Boop." When I went to pay for the disposal camera she replied with, "$14.99". So we now had our batteries and were back in business. After some lunch and quick run-in with "Fat Skeletor" we were off to meet more people.

As we went back inside the main floor of the Con, Mick Foley was arriving and being attacked by rabid nerds. I got a chance to go up and shake his hand but after that just wanted to leave him alone. He actually got there a little early so he could walk the floor and check everything out. I wouldn't say he was in wrestling shape but then again when was he?

The DC booth was the place to meet people. Sure you could meet some cool people at the Marvel Booth and Artist Alley, but DC was just so much easier. When we returned to DC, Greg Rucka, Keith Giffen, and J.G Jones were all doing signings. I hoped right in line so that I could get some more signatures from Rucka. He signed a few copies of 52, a Checkmate trade, and a personalized a couple books for my girlfriend. Before leaving the DC booth I ran in to Dan Didio and was able to get a picture with him. You gotta show respect to the guy running the show. After leaving the DC Booth we checked out the Wes Craven and Kevin Smith panels. Both really good.

Later that night we met up with Kyle at the Midtown booth where we got to meet and get signatures from Simon Bianchi. Bianchi was so cool and told us he wanted to break the record for most consecutive covers for one title. He wants to break this record with covers for Detective Comics. Also when asked about his new project he said he couldn't say but he knew what it would be. We asked him if we guessed who he tell us. He said he couldn't tell us but he wanted us to guess anyway. First I asked if it would be a Spider-Man title and he quickly replied with a big "No." He then revealed a little by saying they were going to make the announcement this summer. My next guess was an X-Men title to go along with the big X-Men crossover. He just smiled and said, "I say nothing. I didn't say anything." Very cool guy.

Next we hit up the Marvel Cup O'Joe panel. We didn't meet anyone cool but Shane did get up ask Joe Q. two very important questions. First he asked about the connection between Punisher and Captain America at the ends of Civil War issue 7. Joe gave a joke answer as we expected he would. The next question was more important though, "Do you have any AA batteries?" Joe looked a little confused, and annoyed when he replied with a No.

After the Cup O'Joe panel we all sorta split up again. Having so much luck at the DC booth I went back to see who was there. To my surprise a very special guest had been added, Jim Lee. I quickly ran across the convention floor to find some Jim Lee books. I grabbed a couple of All-Star Batman and Robin and headed back quickly. While I waited in line I started to notice the line was moving a little slow. I took a glimpse up ahead to see why it was moving so slow and that's when I saw that Jim Lee was drawing pictures for the people in line. Not only was I going to get to meet him and get some books signed but he was going to draw a picture for me too. When it was my turn I had him draw a Batman that is just amazing.

Overall Day 2 was pretty much insane. Day 3 was great too but should take up one post. Then its all about the parade of pics. If I forgot anything good about Day 2 please feel free to add.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The post day 2 con with us trying to find food, Teresa getting free pizza because of her eyes, and us drinking the smoothest rum and cokes ever.