Sunday, December 03, 2006

Top 5 Lists 06

With 2006 coming to an end I've decided to make a few Top 5 Lists for the site. When I have the time I'm going to post a few here and there. Feel free to play along and add your own lists, using the topics I post.

Favorite 5 Titles of 2006
5. Captain America
4. Daredevil
3. Ultimates 2
2. Astonishing X-Men
1. All-Star Superman

Top 5 Books I Need to Drop in 2007
5. Exiles
4. Flash
3. Superman & Batman
2. Ultimate Spider-Man
1. Green Arrow

Top 5 Upcoming Titles I'm Excited About
5. Thunderbolts (relaunch)
4. Brave & The Bold
3. Ultimates 3
2. Omega Flight
1. The Mighty Avengers

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Rocky Balboa

At this point everyone knows there's a new Rocky movie coming out this holiday. I think the first thing people think about when they hear this news is, "What the hell isn't Rocky like 70?".

The Rocky movies started coming out in the 70's and along with the Rambo series marked the arrival of Sly Stallone as a bad ass action star. For quite some time Stallone was THE action star. After Rocky made it big Stallone went on to do the Rambo Series, Cobra, Lock Up, Over the Top, Tango & Cash, Cliffhanger, Demolition Man, The Specialist, and Judge Dredd. While I can't say I'm a fan of all those films I have always respected Stallone and the movies he makes because of one thing......ROCKY.

After Judge Dredd, Stallone fell on hard times and made some really shitty movies that were all lacking one major thing. That thing being.....ROCKY.

When I was a kid I grew up watching the Rocky movies and after the credits rolled at the end of each and every movie I wanted to be Rocky. Not only did I want to be Rocky I wanted to see more Rocky and find out what was next for the character. Even after the fourth and fifth film I was still loyal to Rocky.

I believe on some level we can all relate to the character. In the first movie he's just a nice guy who wants to make some cash and get a girlfriend. He just wants to be happy. Then he gets the chance to face the champion and show he's not a bum and he doesn't win. but he goes the fucking limit. We can all relate to that. Everyone just wants to be happy and find love and when given the chance to grab the bull by the horns we try and we don't always win but we atleast try.

I won't go on and on about every movie and but I also just want to comment on a few of my favorite things about the Rocky Anthology.

Characters - The Rocky movies have some of the best characters of all time. Paulie, Rocky, Apollo, Mickey, Ivan Drago, and Clubber Lang are all so lovable on so many levels.

The Fights - Ivan Drago kills a man in the ring! Clubber Lang continues to punch a man in the face while he's already down! Not to mention that every fight is like 30 rounds! Even the first fight where Rocky is fighting a bum in a church, it's classic!

The Music - Who doesn't know the Rocky theme by heart? Plus "Go for it" is also a classic.

The Endings - They always end with a fight and it's always different. First it's a draw, then it's a win, then it's another win but it's only after he gets his ass kicked. In Rocky 4, Drago is taking drugs during the friggin match! In the fifth one we get a kick ass street fight scene that rivals that from "They Live".

What I'm trying to get to is really simple. I'm very excited about the new Rocky movie. I would get excited for a new Rocky movie every year if they would make one but this is going to be the last one. Everyone needs to do their part and go out to see Rocky Balboa when it's released this Christmas. If this movie does really well then we can expect more Stallone gems for the foreseeable future, maybe even Demolition Man 2.

Win Rocky, Win!!!


Site News - Holiday Edition

First let me start by saying Happy Thanksgiving. I don't say Happy Turkey Day cause that's not a real holiday. It's Thanksgiving and that's that!

I hope everyone is filling up on turkey and booze today and getting ready for the rest of the holiday season. Because I'm a idiot who works in retail, tomorrow starts my busy season. That busy season includes 6 Day work weeks and christmas music on repeat.

Because of the busy holidays it's going to be tougher to find time to post but I will do my best so that Shane & Harris have something to read.

So my last post, until more time enters my list will be about the new Rocky Balboa movie. Hopefully I will be making posts here and there.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

News You Already Know

* Civil War #5 shipped this week and it was pretty cool but still hasn't started to live up to the Marvel-Mega Hype. Here's a few nuggets of wisdom we learned from ish 5.
1) Peter Parker has left the Avengers and joined up with Cap's army. The new Thunderbolts were sent after Spidey and got their heads blown off.
2) So yea the ski mask guy was Punisher. The idea that Punisher has joined Cap's army is a little odd, but I love the idea of him leading an attack on the Baxter building.
3) Tony's 50 state plan is to have a super team in each state. Let's hope it doesn't happen cause that's a lot of new titles to buy.
4) Daredevil-Fist is now captured and living in the Negative Zone.
5) Tigra is a filthy whore who is actually a spy for Iron Man.
6) Speaking of Iron Man, he's been offered the job as head of S.H.E.I.L.D.
7) Thor-Clone (Clor) wasn't actually a clone he was more like a cybrog, like The Vision. Eh, he's still lame.

* The Dark Knight is set to film in 2007 for a 2008 release, dammit!

* The rumored villian for Superman Returns Again is now set to be Brainiac and NOT Zod. I hope that's true, we don't need another remake from Bryan Singer.

* Hugh Jackman or as I like to call him, Wolverine, was quoted saying that they will start filiming the Wolverine movie in 2007. No other details right now, but Wolverine would like Bryan Singer to direct. He would also like a cure for cancer, and to shit gold.

* The Halo movie isn't happening. THANK GAWD!

* Devils Due is going to put a comic based on Chucky from the Child's Play movie. You'll be able to find this comic on the "Who Gives a Fuck" rack.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Reviews in Ten Words or Less

* Action Comics # 844 - Decent start but not overly impressed.

* Civil War: Choosing Sides # 1 - Waste of Money!

* What If: Avengers Disassembled # 1 - Waste of Mo Money!

* Daredevil # 90 - Very cool, still one of the best books each month!

* Justice League of America # 3 - Good stuff, but moving too slow.

* Nextwave # 9 - Funny as hell, damn you all its being cancelled.

* Uncanny X-Men # 480 - Still an interesting read.

* Heroes For Hire # 2 & 3 - Great stuff, good art, great storytelling.

* Incredible Hulk # 100 - Overpriced, but good. Great story.

* Outsiders # 42 - Eh, getting tired.

* Secret Six # 5 - Very cool, expect the trade in a few months.

* Trials of Shazam! 2 & 3 - Cool concept, really enjoying this one.

* Earth's Mightiest Heroes # 1 - Not as good as the first one.

* Teen Titans # 40 - Still a great title!

* Wolverine Origins # 8 - Eh, maybe 6 months before it's cancelled.

* Batman # 658 - Grant Morrison was born to write Batman.

Site Update

*There Can Only Be One has been postponed til December. Kinda like Civil War*


Crazy Ass Rumors

* Spider-Man looks amazing so far but some are nervous after the new trailer that Venom doesn't play a huge part in the movie. This makes one think that Venom's arrival in the movie is only a tease for the 4th film. Also rumored is the death of Harry Osborne but not at the hands of Spidey but at the hands of Sandman while Harry is teamed up with Spidey.

* Civil War Time! It's been so slow for Marvel cause the books all got delayed but I've dug up a few rumors for you to snack on. The first three rumors are all about The Winter Solider.
1) The Winter Solider dies at the hands of Iron Man.
2) The Winter Solider takes over as Captain America after Cap gets killed in battle.
3) Captain America gets his arm taken off during battle and get a new cyber arm from The Winter Solider.

* The little boy from Action Comics that is suppose to be from Krypton is actually Zod.

* After Civil War there's going to the Omega Flight, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, and The Thunderbolts. Expect World War Hulk to involve all four of those teams trying to take down big green to establish themselves as the dominate super hero group.

* Speaking of Super Hero teams. The Fantstic Four will have a new line-up post Civil War. Expect to see Sue, Johnny, Ben, Namor.

Monday, October 30, 2006

News You Already Know

* Bryan Singer gets a second chance to let Superman punch something in the sequel to Superman Returns. The stipulation is that Warner Brothers need to greenlight the movie first. The Crazy Ass Rumors attached to this announcement is a title of "The Man of Steel", a released date of 2009, and Hugh Jackman as General Zod. Let the speculation begin.

* Stuart Immomen will be taking over the art chores of Ultimate Spider-Man, and I couldn't be happier. So here is where I thank you for not buying one of my favorite books NextWave, and resulting in it's cancellation.

* Marvel is going to pull a fast one and put some very important Civil War plot twist in Black Panther #21 without warning us. So make sure you grab this book while you can.

* Marvel will be getting their own set of stamps in the near future. Characters included in this first set are Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Hulk, and Paste Pot Pete.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Personal appearances

Big news for all of my 3 readers. This Saturday I will be attending a very special Halloween/Birthday Party. If you know what I'm talking about then I will see you there.

Also it should be noted:

El Burro is Coming,

Better Look Busy!

Reviews in 10 Words or Less

Bullshit Edition

- Exiles #86 & #87 - Bullshit!

- Superman & Batman Annual #1 - Utter Bullshit!

- New Avengers #24 - Complete Bullshit!

- Ultimate Spider-Man #101 - On the verge of Bullshit!

- Fantastic Four #504 - Repetive Bullshit!

- Doctor Strange: Blood Oath #1 - Just....just fucking bullshit!

You Tube Theater

I love trailers because they're the closest thing we have to real psyhics. They give us a glimpse of our future. Enjoy!

Site Update

So "There Can Only Be One" hasn't started yet. But it will be soon that I promise. Instead enjoy these other nuggets of bloggeriffic morsals.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

News You Already Know

* DC Comics will be releases a few new Year One specials sometime in 2007. The books include Green Arrow, Metamorpho, Teen Titans, Black Lightning, and Huntress.

* Issue #12 of Nextwave will be it's last issue and that's a DAMN shame cause the book kicks ass. The good news is that Nextwave will return in a series of mini-series.

You Tube Theater

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Crazy Ass Rumors

Heroes Edition

The new hit show Heroes only gets better and better and there are so many crazy ass rumors out there. Here are a few that we've come across.

* Save the Cheerleader, Save the World! But what is it the cheerleader needs to be saved from? One crazy ass rumor suggests that its not death she needs to be saved from but a turn to the dark side.

* Nikki's dual personality is actually the missing father of her child. Somehow she's absorbed him.

* Mohinder's father is not actually dead and is in hiding while he works with Claire's Dad.

* The bomb that goes off in five weeks is suppose to happen to progress the history of the Heroes and Sylar knows this and that is why he's trying to kill them off. Sylar is actually Peter and is from the future.

* Nikki's husband is actually the black mute seen in episode 4.

* The bomb that goes off isn't Sylar its actually one of the heroes who can't control his powers.

* Sylar's powers are the same as Magneto's.

There Can Only Be One

Here's your update for "There Can Only Be One", this Sunday episode one will be posted. All six of the sexy six will be reviewed and one will be eliminated. Now each episode will have a special challenge that could keep a book alive. Some of these challenges include, Best Cover, Best Dialogue, Coolest Action Sequence, and Best Last Page. If a book wins that week's challenge it will be spared for one week. This week's challenge is "Best Cover". The book that has the best cover this episode will be spared til next month. Be here Sunday night for the first episode of There Can Only Be One.


Monday, October 09, 2006

Superman is a Dick

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

News You Already Know

- The NBC Mega-Smash-Hit, Heroes has been picked up for a full season.

- Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato will be taking over New Thunderbolts.

- IDW will publish a Star Trek: The Next Generation, mini series in Janurary.

- Wanna check out the trailer for Frank Miller's 300? Sure you do click HERE.

- Wanna check out the not so cool trailer for Ghost Rider? Sure you do click HERE.

Crazy Ass Rumors

We got some beauties for you to feast on so put on your bib and get down on it.

- A lot of people are expecting the exit of Mary Jane from the Marvel Universe. She's also expected to get killed off in Spider-Man 3. Now we already know that Spidey will be "Back in Black" come Jan but our crazy ass rumor gives us some insight as to why he's sporting the black tights. The crazy ass rumor is that Mary Jane will get killed in an accident triggered by Iron Man. This won't be a chance for Iron Man to turn evil, just a real accident.

- Freddy vs Jason 2? No it's not coming to a theater near you, but crazy ass rumor is thta DC Comics is working on a direct sequel for comics.

- Speaking of sequels, Terry Gilliam is in talks with Virgin Comics to sell his unused script for Time Bandits 2 to be adapated for the new company.

- The crazy ass rumor is that a Luke Cage movie is being prepped as a starring vehicle for Tyreese. Now that I have no problem with. Tyreese is black, and built. What's upsetting is that the crazy ass rumor they're casting a black chick for the role of Jessica Jones. That is wrong on so many levels.

- 2007 Superboy Prime escapes OA.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

News You Already Know

- So it's official that Robert Downey Jr will play Tony Stark in the new Iron Man movie. We also know that Terrance Howard will be playing Jim Rhodes. The director has already confirmed that the Big Bad will be the Mandarin so expect the casting to be announced very soon.

- Stephen Wacker has left DC to become an editor for Marvel. Hopefully this won't hurt the releases of 52, as of right now every issue has shipped on time. No word yet on what Wacker will be doing for Marvel.

- Dwayne McDuffie will be taking over Fantastic Four after JMS leaves. I have no idea who Dwayne McDuffie is.

- Marvel Comics Presents will be returning. The book will consist of 3, 8 pages stories from different artist and writers and will mostly likely be shipped bi-monthly. There's even a crazy ass rumor that the book could be weekly. If true they would need a really good editor who has worked on a book like that. Hey wait a minute.

- Gregg Hurwitz will bring back Foolkiller to Marvel under the MAX imprint in February of 2007. You can get a sneek peek at this book in the MAX Sampler book that came out today.

- Heath Ledger Hates You! This one is old news but I just wanted to make sure I posted it. A few weeks ago Heath "The Joker" Ledger was quoted saying how much he hates comic book movies and think they're boring as fuck. I still think he's going to be a dope Joker but what a dick.

- Speaking of "The Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan has confirmed that Harvey Dent will be in the movie but has yet to be cast. I'm still hoping we get Hugh Jackman as old Harvey.

There Can Only Be One

The Books Revealed

This post will reveal the titles that I'll be pulling this month to take part in "There Can Only Be One." You'll notice only five books will be mentioned on this post. The sixth book will be choosen by DC Harris. Harris was the only person to guess so he wins!!! Congrats to Harris, he even spotted the RoboCop cameo. Now keep in mind, your choice must be a book that is monthly, no bi-monthly books. SO here are the books that were choosen at random.

From Image Comics - Task Force One
From DC/Vertigo - Fables
From DC - Superman
From Marvel - New Excalibur
From Marvel - Ghost Rider

These titles were all choosen at random. With the exception of Superman, and Fables, I have no real history with any of these titles. In the next couple of days the rules for Round One will be posted.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

There Can Only Be One

Send me your answers!!!

News You Already Know

- Expect the announcement soon, Robert Downey Jr is IRON MAN!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Civil War: Late Breaking News

Later today I plan on making some other posts but I just wanted to put a quick post up about a title that everyone should buy before it's sold out.

If you're following Civil War, you NEED to buy Amazing Spider-Man #535. In some aspects I think it's better that Civil War #4 and will be a book that will sell out in about a week.

I won't spoil it for anyone right away but it's a must read. Go buy it now and if you can't get it let me know and I will pick it up for you.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Crazy Ass Rumors

Civil War Edition

So we're pretty much at the half way point of Civil War. I say that because its gonna be about four months until the other three issues come out. So there's a lot of rumors floating around about the second half of this epic war.

- The Clone Wars. So Iron Man and his boys are making clones. So far we've got Clor out of the deal. The odds are Captain America is next. We also know that at some point Spidey is going to turn sides. That brings us to our first crazy ass rumor. After Spidey turns side, Tony Stark breaks out his own Spidey clone. When it's all said and done only one Spidey will still be around, but which one?

- Who's that Man with the beautiful eyes? Issue 4 debut the ski mask guy. Mark Millar has promised us that in issue 5 we'll find out who he is. Some people think it's Punisher. Now we all know Punisher is going to play a part in Civil War, so why would they try to hide in issue 4? Here at Crazy Ass Rumors we won't accept the easy answer. We refuse to agree it's Punisher. Instead we have our own theories.

#1. Hawkeye - Although he's suppose to be out of the Country during Civil War, you never know.

#2. Norman Osborne - Someone is on the loose as the Green Goblin and could Normie be watching the heroes from a distance.

#3. US Agent - Another person who is coming back in the Marvel Universe in a big way, could this be his return?

#4. Jason Todd - Opps, wrong company.

#5. Rick Jones - A member of the Avengers everyone has seemed to forgotton.

#6. Punisher - Ok it's probably Punisher but I swear if it is then this book is really packing NO surprises.

- Whose Side Are You On? When the war started the powers at Marvel told us that it would be tough to choose a side. So far Iron Man and company are pretty much the bad guys. Even though Captain America is a fugitive of the law he's still seen as the good guy. So what's going to happen to change our opinion of Cap? Rumor is he's going to end up doing something so reckless that a Young Avenger is going to bite the dust.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Here's a little movie I came across recently. It's only three minutes long and worth a watch. I think if we take anything away from it at all it's one very simple lesson. Leave the toys in the package when you buy them. Also I should make it clear that this is not the contest video.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There Can Only Be One

Casting Special #3

Week three not only brings us more possible titles that could end up in "There Can Only Be One" but also announces a contest that will let one person choose a book for the sexy six.


Ghost Rider
Iron Man
Sensational Spider-man


Birds of Prey
Dkye Runner


Occult Crimes Taskforce
Sea of Red

So those are the titles added to the list this week. As usual I would love your opinions on these titles. Now while it's true that the 5 of the books are going to be completely random choices, one book will be chosen by a lucky reader. Next week there's going to be a contest and here's how it's going to work. At some point I will post a video on the blog. I'm not saying when the video will be posted to make it fair to everyone. The video features appearances of different super heroes. The person who can name the most heroes the fastest will win the chance to pick one book for the sexy six. Good Luck.

Civil War Breaking News

Well Civil War issue 4 came out this week, two weeks late. I'm going to save my rantings and opinions about this book for now and instead go over the spoilerish details. If you haven't read the book yet then don't read this article.

- So Thor really layed the smack down on the anti-reg guys and while doing so killed Black Goliath. If you remember back we called that in a previous Cee Diddy Holla under Crazy Ass Rumors. Mark Millar said he wanted to kill someone but knew that killing a major player would just be a waste due to the fact that they would just be brought back to life down the line.

- Overall the anti-reg guys got their asses handed to them. At the end of the battle Cap's army got a little thinner with the death of Black Goliath and the departure of Cassie, Nighthawk, and Cable.

- Over on the pro-reg side of things the big reveal is that Thor was actually a clone of the original Thor. It's also hinted that Tony, Reed, and Hank Pym are cloning other heroes.

- Peter Parker is staring realize he might have choosen the wrong side, and Reed is on to him.

- Speaking of Reed, Sue Storm decides to leave Reed along with Johnny to go join Cap's secret Avengers.

- There's also a Ski Mask man watching over everyone. We have no clue as to who this is but Mark Millar has promised we will find out in two months when Civil War issue 5 comes out.

- The last page showed us more new recruits for Iron Man's army. Songbird will be leading some "New" Thunderbolts to help take out Cap. These "New" Thunderbolts include, Lady Deathstrike, Bullseye, Venom, and Jack O' Lantern.

Any thoughts on issue 4 please post. Remember its you'r posts that keep the blog alive.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Site News

We all know that Superman is a dick. It's been proven by countless scientist over the years. Here at Cee Diddy Holla we're going to be doing our duty by posting some classic covers from DC comics over the year that shows just how much of a dick Superman is. All covers are courtesy of the site Superman is a Dick.

Superman is a Dick

Four prime reasons why Superman is a Dick. Click on the thumbnails and enjoy the dickery.....

Civil War Late Breaking News

Civil War Issue 4 comes out next week. In the meantime enjoy this animated version of the Epic Story......

There Can Only Be One

Casting Special #2

Here's another list of titles that might end up being a part of "There Can Only Be One". Once again remember that when the books are choosen it will be totally random. To make things interesting though one book will be a choice of a reader of this site.


New Excaliber
Ms Marvel
New X-Men Academy
Ultimate X-Men


Batman Strikes
Ex Machina
JLA Classified

Dark Horse

Star Wars Legacy


Truth Justin & America Way

News You Already Know

Joe Q Edition

The following is all news that Joe Q has broke recently. Good stuff!!!

- Alan Davis is bringing back Clandestine for Marvel.

- Nova is getting a new series that spawns from Annihilation. Also spwaning from Annihilation will be a series following the Heralds of Galactus.

- Sean McKeever will be doing a new series called SpiderMan Family. Finally Marvel has answered the pleas of the fans and are giving us yet another Spider-Man title.

- In 2007 Spider-Man will be going back to the black suit. There's speculation that it won't be Peter Parker in the suit. *COUGH* bullshit *COUGH*

- Marvel's 2007 big summer event will feature Hulk and is titled World War Hulk.

- Joe Michael Straczynski will be relaunching Thor.

- Coming straight outta the pages of Runaways will be C.B. Cebulski's limited series about The Loners.

- Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan will be taking over Runaways. I'll get heat for this but, what a waste of talent.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Crazy Ass Rumors

Everyone's favorite post is back. Some of the rumors you're about to read have been posted on various sites. Others are purely speculation. As always feel free to post your own rumors.

- Who is SuperNova? One of the mysteries of 52 is the identity of SuperNova. The rumor we've heard is that SuperNova is actually one of Superman's Andriods.

- The script for the Captain America movie is still being worked on but an outline of the film has leaked to the internet. The outline says that the movie would take place during WW2 with the villians being The Red Skull and Baron Zemo. The movie would end with Captain America in the block of ice as a set-up for The Avengers movie.

- In 2007, right around the time Civil War ends, Spider-Man will be going back to sporting the very cool black costume. Now one could say that the return of the black costume is just a tie-in to Spidey 3, but the crazy ass rumor is that this costume change will be a result of a death in the family. Who is going to die? The obvious answer is MJ, but that's too obvious for the Crazy Ass Rumors. So instead we're going with Peter Parker faking his own death, OR the return of Ben Reily.

- Here is your rumored line-up for The New Avengers Post Civil War, Iron Man, Warbird, Ares, Wonder Man, Wasp, Giant-Man, and Ronnin.

News You Already Know

- If you love the new Marvel series Heroes for Hire then I have bad news for you. The creative team just signed an exclusive deal with DC. Jimmy Palmiottie and Justin Gray will finish the eight issues they're committed to and then start doing stuff for DC. As of right now the series will continue after Palmiottie and Gray leave.

- Someone that won't be leaving Marvel anytime soon is Joss Whedon. After his run on Astonishing X-Men he will be working on a new project.

- Dan Didio has stated at the recent Baltimore Comic Con that ADam Huges will be doing a six issue All-Sar Wonder Woman run. Expect all six issues to come out before issue three of the regular series is out.

- Brian K. Vaughn will be leaving the cult favorite Runaways as of issue 24. Expect a new writer to be announced soon.

- First Michael Avon Oeming announced that Beta Ray Bill will be in Omega Flight. Now he's pretty much told us that US Agent will also be in Omega Flight. It was announced that as a part of the special Civil War: Choosing Sides, Omeing and Kolins will be doing a story feature US Agent. Now we just gotta figure out that Spider-Woman.

- AICN has pics of Things new look from Fantastic Four 2. They've changed the head and I think it looks great. Check out the pics HERE.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There Can Only Be One

Casting Special

Every week I will list some books that will be up consideration for "There Can Only Be One".

Marvel Comics

Punisher Max
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

DC Comics

Battler Britton
Jonah Hex
Mystery in Space
Rush City

Image Comics

Cross Bronx
Noble Causes
Strange Girl
Task Force One

Site News

New Feature Debuting in October

This October Cee Diddy Holla will be starting a new feature called "There Can Only Be One". Here's how it's going to work and you can all feel free to play along.

Starting in October I will be buy 6 comic books that I don't currently buy. These 6 books will be the contestants in "There Can Only Be One." Every month one book will be eliminated until there is only one. The winner gets to be a new book I buy on a monthly basis.

This month I will be figuring out what books will be a part of the "Sexy Six". If you have suggestions please post them. For a book to qualify it has to meet certain standards.

- Each book has be to monthly, no Bi-Monthly books.

That's it actually. Little by little I will be listing possible books that could be a part of "There Can Only Be One."

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reviews in 10 Words or Less

Thunderbolts # 105 - Civil War tie-in, kinda boring.

Wolverine Origins # 5 - Very cool, nice ending to get you hooked.

Ultimate Spider Man Annual # 2 - Makes up for the Morbius arc, big time.

Next Wave # 7 - Good jump on point if you haven't jumped yet.

Ultimates Annual # 2 - Crap, just skip it.

Batman # 655 & 656 - Must have books!

Wonder Woman # 2 - Totally worth the wait.

Astonishing X-Men # 16 - Continues to be Marvel's best title.

Flash # 3 - Getting better, but I still miss Wally.

Heroes for Hire # 1 - So far so good.

Ultimate Spider Man 98 & 99 - Finally getting really good again!!

Justice League of America #1 - Good on so many levels, just buy it.

The Boys # 1 & 2 - Go get these book, RIGHT NOW! It's Authority-good.

Ultimate Fantastic Four # 32 - Amazing!

Ultimate Fantastic Four # 33 - Complete crap.

New Avengers 22 & 23 - Powerful stuff, great read.

News You Already Know

Toronto Edition

The Toronto Comic Book Expo took place over the weekend and both Marvel and DC broke some big news so grab yourself a place of Canadian Bacon and dig in eh.

* Alpha Flight is being reborn as Omega Flight. Micheal Avon Oeming will be writing with Scott Kolins on art. This isn't the first time they've worked together. The team previously worked together on Thor: Blood Oath. On they have a teaser art picture up but I think it's a bait and switch. Fans are already speculating that the two charcters that would look to be Thor and Captain America are actually US Agent and Beta Ray Bill. I would say there's a very good chance that the Beta Ray Bill call is right now. Not so sure about the US Agent one. Either way its a cool pic and you should check it out. Omega Flight

* Bendis teased that Ultimates 2 will have a shocking ending. To me this translates that someone important is going to die. My money is on Hank Pym to bite the dust for being a traitor.

* Hulk returning during Civil War? It's just another tease from Bendis but I"m not buying this one. I think Hulk is gonna be off in space for well over a year.

* Speaking of Hulk, still no word on when the next issue of Ultimate Hulk vs Ultimate Wolverine.

* Speaking on Ultimate Hulk vs Ultimate Wolverine, artist Leinil Francis Yu will be the artist on New Avengers.

* No news was good news in the case of Ultimate Spider-Man. John Romita WASN'T named the new artist.

* Astonishing X-Men is expected to go through issue #24, but without Joss Whedon and John Cassaday.

* DC announced All Star Batgirl for 2007. Geoff Johns and JG Jones will be the creative team. For more deatils check out the interview with Geoff Johns on CLICK HERE

Back in Black

As promised Cee Diddy Holla has returned.

The good news is you can now expect updates and opinions on a semi regular basis again. Fan favorite articles like, News You Already Know, Movies Making Money, Reviews in Ten Words or Less, and Civil War Breaking News, are all back. New to Cee Diddy Holla will be a feature article titled, There Can Only be One!

The bad news? None if you're Shane. Everyone else, why are wasting your time here??

~Cee Diddy


Monday, August 07, 2006

News You Didn't Know

So here's the deal.......

The month of August is going to be a rough one for Mr.CeeDiddy. I won't go over all the details but will reveal that Cee Diddy Holla is going on vacation for the rest of the month. The site will return with updates on Sept. 4th 2006. That is a promise. So please make sure to return to the site on Sept 4th for big updates. Until then...........



Sunday, July 30, 2006

Superman Shouldn't Have Returned!!!

Now that I've got your attention, let me explain.

I've watched Superman Returns a few times now and I've finally come to the conclusion that Warner Brothers and Bryan Singer dropped the super monkey ball.

First let me talk about the positives. The casting was perfect. Kevin Spacey, Brandon Roth, and that Jimmy Olsen kid was great. Kate Bosworth did an ok job with Lois Lane but I think they should've cast someone else. Also Kal Penn was GREAT as "The Guy Who Nods". The movie was also shot very beautifully. Some of the scenes are really quite amazing. Bryan Singer is a great director and I believe he's only getting better and better.

Now everything else. You have a property that was officially dead after two shitty sequels and you wait almost 20 years to make a new one and this is what we get? Why make a movie that's a sequel to a dead franchise when instead you could build a whole new franchise.

For example, the Batman franchise DIED after "Batman & Robin". There was no saving that so instead they waited for just the right time. They got a great director, a whole new cast, and started all over. When putting together Superman Returns, Warner Brothers went out and got a great director, a whole new cast, and MADE A SEQUEL TO A MOVIE FROM 20 YEARS AGO. Superman 2 wasn't that great. The beginning was cool and the fight scene in Metropolis was a highlight, but then it went to shit. Superman bones Lois Lane, gives up his powers, gets them back, then TRICKS the bad guys with Batman tricks. Then to top it all off he KISSES Lois Lane and makes her forget the super sex and everything else. I hate to use coarse language but, HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK?!?! Christopher Nolan didn't sit down and say, "I wonder what Batman and Robin did after they stopped Mr.Freeze." He decided to screw all that and start over fresh.

So instead of doing a brand new Superman, Bryan Singer did a tribute to Richard Donner and made a film filled with plot holes and reshots from the first film. Let me start with the plot holes. Clark Kent leaves for a few years and then just comes back and gets his job back. Also the day Clark comes back, so does Superman. Lex Luthor gets out of prison after trying to sink California in to the ocean, AND helping General Zod take over the White House. Lois Lane has a Super-Baby. Soooooo..........I don't even know how to explain that. Sure she had super sex with Superman but in theory she doesn't remember it because of the Super Kiss. Not to mention she should've died from labor. Finally, Lex beats the shit out of Superman and that's it. Superman doesn't even throw a punch in this movie. Lex ends up on an island? Did they run out of ideas at the end?

I also mentioned reshots from the first movie. Let's start in order. Opening credits, seeing young clark on the farm, Superman saves Lois on a plane, mentions how safe flying is, Lex steals kryptonite, Lex decides he wants land, tells Superman his whole plan, Lex sticks kryptonite on Superman and drops him in water to drown, Lex's gf makes sure that Lex in screwed in the end, Superman flies away. They looked great but I've seen all of THAT before.

Would it have been such a bad idea to just start over and give the fans what they want? I want evil scientist/business man Lex Luthor. I don't want a Super Baby!! Also I like a Superman who beats things up. Brainiac, Metallo, Bizzaro, the Parasite, any of those would have been cool to see. Instead we got a remake/sequel of the other Superman movies.

In conclusion, I can't wait for Spider-Man 3.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

News You Already Know

Comic Con Edition

So the years biggest convention has come and gone and none of us went. If you didn't want to wait for my lazy ass to update this blog then you did the right thing and went to Newsrama and read their amazing coverage. So if you did that then the title of News You Already Know is very fitting. For anyone who didn't.....Enjoy.

* Marvel made it official that Venom will be in Spidey 3 and even showed some early footage. My prediction is that Spidey 3 will shatter all records at the box office. Screw you Pirates!

* Brian Bendis and Frank Cho will be bringing us "The Mighty Avengers". Now most details were kept secret but I assume that this will be the Captain America team that will be working out of either Canada or a Space Satellite, and taking care of problems that are not happening in the United States. Expect more details after Civil War. Feel free to pick your seven hero roster for the team. I'm going with, Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Thing, Ms.Marvel, Hellcat, and Thor. See I didn't say Hercules because he's not gonna survive Civil War.

* The fake Daredevil was revealed as Iron Fist. Told ya so!

* Doom Patrol and Deadman are headed to the silver screen. Both could really end up being really good.

* This October Richard Donner and Geoff Johns will be co-writing Action Comics with Adam Kubert.

* Robert Kirkman called out Todd McFarlane!! Kirkman was like, "Dude why don't you draw?" and Todd was like, "Dude I make toys now." and Kirkman was like, "Dude just draw again." and Todd was like, "But Dude I make toys now." and then Kirkman was like, "Dude I will write it if you draw it." and then Todd was like, "Talk to my editor, but keep in mind, I make toys now."

* Adam Hughes will be writing and drawing All-Star Wonder Woman.

* The Mandarin will be the bad guy in the Iron Man movie.

Movies Making Money

I guess this edition should really be called Movies Not Making Money. It wasn't the best weekend for new openers Clerks 2, and Lady in the Water. Clerks 2 only made 10 million opening weekend. To date it's made 12.5 million BUT the bright side is it only cost 5 million to make.

Lady in the Water didn't fair to well. Lady in the Water took in 18 million opening weekend. To date it's made 22 million with a budget of 55 million.

Pirates is still a juggernaut, but who cares? Now on to Superman Returns. Supes has had a rough summer but the good news is it finally made it's money back. The movie has hit the 290 million dollar mark beating it's budget of 260 million.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Crazy Ass Rumors

Expect more of these after Comic Con but until then here's a small morsel for you to chew on.

* Who is Masked Man?? Ok so we know there's a fake Daredevil running around Hell's Kitchen and showing up in Civil War. The big question is who is this new Daredevil. Here's are the following rumored names going around, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, Shang Chi, Nick Fury, Ben Reily, and Bullseye. My money has been on Iron Fist since day one.

* DC will be rolling out a new solo series starring a female character who makes her first appearance in "52" and it's not Batwoman. Let the speculation begin.

* The new justice League is going to be around 11 heroes strong and lots of names are floating around. One name that keeps coming up for the JLA is Nightwing. It would be tough for him to be apart of the JLA, Outsiders and JSA if you ask me. Then again it's just a crazy ass rumor.

News You Already Know

The big Comic Con is right around the corner and yours truly will not be attending because im stuck in Mass. I also won't have 24/7 coverage because I'll busy doing something else and you can get that If you're too lazy to go there and read all the great coverage they're going to have then you can wait for my Half Ass Coverage later in the week. Now let's move on to News You Already Know.....

* Aquaman is not cool. Green Arrow is very cool though. In the upcoming season of Smallville not only are we going to see Jimmy Olsen, but Oliver Queen is coming to town too. The actor playing Ollie will be Justin Hartley. Justin was cast as Aquaman in the pilot episode of Mercy Reef. Mercy Reef did not get picked up by the WC but I'm sure you can find a bootleg of it at Comic Con.

* Multiple sites are reporting that casting for Silver Surfer has been made. Sorry Wylde Stallion fans its not the chosen One. Instead it's being reported that Doug Jones will be motion-capture actor used for Silver Surfer. Doug Jones also played Abe Sapien in Hell Boy.

* The return of pizza power. Hey is everyone gonna go see "The Ant Bully"? What if I told you the teaser trailer for TMNT was going to attached to it? No? You say you're just gonna wait for it to show up on You Tube? Well played my friend, well played.

* The deal is final with New Line Cinema and DC. This October expect to see "Nightmare on El Street", "Friday the 13th", and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" books being published by DC. In other words stop buying the ones put out by Avatar. Those will be in a quarter bin very soon.

* Oni will be publishing a "My Name is Earl" comic book. You'll be able to find this book right next to those Avatar horror books for a quarter very soon.

* Brian K Vaughn will be doing a new Dr.Strange book with artist Marcos Martin, Alvaro Lopez, and Javier Rodriguez. has a 3 page preview that has me sold on it. Make sure your local comic store is going to stock up on this one.

Monday, July 17, 2006

See I'm not the only Geek on Here

Today I bring to you another new feature where I call out another geek who is blogging. The difference is the other bloggers I bring you will have more than 3 people reading them.

Gail Simone is a name you should know. She's been writing some great titles lately including, The All New Atom, Secret Six, & Birds of Prey. You can check out her blog by clicking the following link Bloodstains on the Looking Glass

Another blogger out there is Mr. Brian K Vaughn. You can check out Mr.Vaughn's work in titles like Runaways, Ex Machina, & Y: The Last Man. Check out his blog by clicking the following link
Channel Surfing

Finally we have a blog that hasn't been updated since April but is still worth checking out. It's a blog dedicated to Jack Kirby. Stan Lee is the Man, but Kirby will always be King. If you don't know much about Kirby then go to the blog and educate yourself. His style influence so many and can even be found today. I'm looking at you Minoriteam animators!!! You check out that blog by clicking the following link Kirby Comics

I almost think it's better than Superman Returns

I came across this today and it's really worth watching.

Link should be in working order now.

Losing Lois Lane

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Movies Making Money

A new feature here at Cee Diddy Holla is a lil thing we like to call Movies Making Money. Here's an update on whats making cash in theaters.

* Pirates of the Caribbean dominated again. Total gross to date 258 million with a budget of 225 million. It made its money back in two weeks.

*Superman Returns had a huge drop this week. 47% drop to be exact. So far Supes has made 163 million domestic and 35 million foreign. The budget for that indy pic was only 260 million. Warner Brothers still have a chance of making their money back before the DVD release but it's going to be close.

*Next week we'll have updates on Pirates and Superman, and the weekend numbers for Clerks 2.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Correction: News You Already Know

I made a small mistake with my recent "News You Already Know". Rich Johnston only named JMS to be on Thor. The reference of Stuart Immomen came from a drawing that he did special for Joe Friday's on Newsrama. Make sure you check out Rich Johnston's "Lying in the Gutters" every Monday at Comic Book Resources


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Reviews in 10 Words or Less

The return of my favorite article. Any book can be reviewed in 10 words or less. Get out your calculators nerds!!

Front Line # 3 - Most interesting issue yet, pick it up!

Wolverine Origins # 4 - Good fight scene but overall kinda weak, browse it.

Superman # 654 - Good jump on point, nice art, pick it up.

Ultimate Spider-man # 97 - Ugh, Spider Clone Saga? Nuff Sed!

Ultimate Fantastic Four # 31 - Very cool on every level, pick it up!

X-Men # 188 - Not bad but art is suspect. Give it a try.

Thunderbolts # 104 - Still a great title even with Civil War going on.

The All New Atom # 1 - Cool concept, funny book, give it a try.

JSA # 87 - Can't wait for relaunch this fall.

Teen Titans # 37 - Great ending to arc, pick up entire arc NOW!

Secret Six # 2 - Brutally good, go get issue one and two now.

Uncanny X-Men # 475 - Brubacker, X-Men, Warpath, Vulcan, go get it!

Beyond # 1 - Pick of the Post. Buy it now, No exceptions!

Civil War Breaking News!!!

I can't believe this WAR is still raging on. Here's the latest that I know for a fact.

- Speedball is NO ONE'S BITCH!! Speedball is still in jail and wont accept any fault for what happened. She-Hulk is trying to bail his ass out but he's not having it. Go Speedball stick it to the man.

- Some heroes are even too lame to hang out with Captain America. A small group of "heroes" have been hiding out in a shack waiting for some attention. Guys like Solo, Typeface, and other guys who didn't even have names. I hope these are the first ones that Deadpool kills.

- The Thunderbolts are putting together a huge army of baddies. One could even say it's a "Society" of villains, all working together. The big TWEEST at the end? Baron Zemo is trying to get Captain America on his side.

News You Already Know

- John Woo and Garth Ennis are coming together to do a book called "Seven Brothers" for Virgin Comics. The book is set to debut in October.

- Fantastic Four 2 will not only introduce The Silver Surfer, but will also have The Fantasticar. It doesn't transform in to anything but I still think it will be entertaining.

- Ghost Rider will be rated PG-13 so there will be plenty of kids kicking my seat and wondering if this movie will lead to Face Off 2. Get it? Cause his face melts off.

-Rich Johnston is reporting that the new creative team bringing back Thor will be Joe Michael Straczynski and Stuart Immomen.

- Spider-Girl will be returning as The Amazing Spider-Girl. The new series is expected to run for 6 months and then be on the verge of being cancelled again. It should last about 24 issues before finally getting cancelled for real. At that time the book will get saved one more time that will keep it safe until issue 50 when it gets cancelled for real. After that it might hit issue 100 and then spin off in the Web of Spider-Girl. When that fails at issue 100, expect Ultimate Spider-Girl. God it never ends.

- Speaking of Spiderman, Marvel is going to start putting out a new series of hardcover trades. The first will be a favorite of mine Kraven's Last Hunt. The best part is the price, only $19.99. Make sure your comic books stores this one.

- Superman Returns has surpassed 185 million dollars worldwide. Cost of the movie, 260 million. Ouch! X-Men 3 is at 435 million worldwide with a cost of 210 million dollars. Hopefully this means the Wolverine movie will get a decent budget too.

Huge Site News

I wanted to start this update with a HUGE congratulations to the site for getting 5 posts on the X-Men vs Superman story. That is a new record for anyone of our stories. I wanna thank Hollywood and DC Sean but most importantly, I want to thank Shane O Mac, who posted 3 times.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Superman vs X3

Now that the two big comic book movies of the summer have been released, which one did a better job at delivering the geeky goods?

Before either of them came out most fans we're already down on X3 for lack of Bryan Singer and already praising Supes Return because of Singer. It's safe to say that Superman Returns was going in to this summer as the big winner, but is it really?

It took Superman Returns 8 days to break the 100 million dollar mark. X3 accomplished that in just 3 days. Does that make X3 better than Supes? Maybe not but it shows more people wanted to see it right away. It also shows word of mouth spread much quicker for X3. Even with all the plot holes and corny dialouge, someone enjoyed it.

The major complaint with X3 is that the movie has no heart. One major problem with Superman Returns, is too much heart. Too bad the movie wasn't X-Men meets Superman.

It's safe to say that both movies had their flaws. But which had just enough flaws to beat the other? I can't pick a clear winner in this battle. I was like a lot of people that thought Superman was just going to OWN this summer. While I enjoyed it, I did feel a lil let down when it was over. X3 on the other hand I was just expecting a shit sandwhich and instead thought it was better than expecting.

What did everyone else think? Who was the big winner this summer. What movie was better, X3 or Superman Retruns and why.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Reviews in 10 Words or Less

All you need is ten words or less to know if a book is worth buying and im going to prove it.

Daredevil # 86 - Brubaker is Amazing on this title. Buy it now.

Exiles # 83 - Very touching, good jump on point. Consider buying.

Ultimate Spider-Man # 96 - Fuck You!

All Star Superman # 4 - Amazing, go buy it now!!

Batman # 654 - Great conclusion, touching ending, pick up trade.

MoonKnight # 3 - Good art, intense story, check it out.

Young Avengers # 12 - Good, but a shame it was so late.

Flash # 1 - Art is lil suspect, but cool concept. Check it out.

Ultimates 2 # 11 - Very cool, but suffers from bi-monthly. Worth wait? Sure.

Crazy Ass Rumors!!!

- Splitting the Internt in HALF? Brian Micheal Bendis just might be planning on something big for Ultimate Spidey and the Green Goblin. Something that might "split the internet in half". Expect something right around the release of Spidey 3.

- Lois Knocked Up? Did Supes do the dirty and knock up Lois duing 52? Only time will tell. Superman having a kid may have been one of those ideas that were taboo for years, but hey did anyone see Superman Returns??

- Canadian Avengers? As a result of Civil War Captain America is rumored to leave to Canada with other heroes to start a "new" Avengers. The rumored roster includes, Captain America, Winter Solider, Wolverine, Thing, Hawkeye, Ronnin, and Wasp.

- Spawn - Spiderman?? JMS and Joe Q are rumored to be working on the Spawn/Spiderman crossover. If this is true does this mean McFarlane is ready to draw his version?

News You Already Know

- The Spiderman 3 trailer has hit the internet and its very cool to say the least. When watching it shot by shot you can see Sandman, Green Goblin, Gwen Stacey, The Symbiote Suit, Eddie Brock, and Spidey, BUT you don't see Venom. I wonder if this has anything to do with that Crazy Ass Rumor about two Spidey movies being filmed at once. You can check out the trailer at the following link ............ Apple - Trailers - Spider-Man 3

- Speaking of trailer we also go a good look at the Transformers teaser trailer. Not as cool as Spidey but I still think you should go check it out at the following link ........... Transformers Movie - Official Site of Transformers: The Movie

- Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness will be working on Ultimates 4. Yea I know Ultimates 2 isn't even over yet. Too bad they can't do movies like that. The story is rumored to feature lots of Thor and Hulk and be late every month.

- It's official The Silver Surfer will be featured in Fantastic Four 2. No word on casting yet.

- Hugh Jackman is all about making that Wolverine movie. You want to read about the script that is full of spoilers? Sure you do check it out here .......... Wolverine Script Review

Big Weekend Updates

Like Herpes, Almost Gone, but Still Here.......

Big weekend in comic book geek world so above are going to be some updates on News You Already Know, and Crazy Ass Rumors. Also I'm going to debut a new feature called Reviews in 10 Words or Less. Enjoy and Happy 4th Everyone!!!!!


Monday, June 19, 2006

Let's Give Em Something to Blog About.

So it's been slow in the comic world, meaning its been slow for my Blog. I have no "News You Already Know", and zip about "Civil War", and nada for "Crazy Ass Rumors". I also don't really have anyone reading this blog so I have no pressure either.

I need to keep things going on here so my new article will be about a new writing project I'm working on. The catch is though I can't give any real details about what I'm writing. So welcome to my new article entitled, "Outta My Bloggin Mind!"

I finally decided what my new writing project would be and I'm convinced to finish it to the very end. If I stick to my plan, this could be the biggest project I've done to completion. Right now I'm 14 pages in to this project and I'm really happy with how the characters are coming along. The next couple of pages will bring in a major character and I can't wait to start it. I think the plan is to work on it Wednesday.

I"ll have more details that aren't really details at all very soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Civil Wars Breaking News

Was is really that big of a surprise??

Civil War issue 2 and Thunderbolts issue 103 came out today and while both really did the most progressing for this Marvel event, did any of it really surprise anyone??


- More Heroes are shown choosing the side of Iron Man and Pro-Registration. She-Hulk, Doc Samson, Tigra, Ms.Marvel, and Reed Richards are standing firmly behind Iron Man.

- Reed Richards is helping develop a "camp" that will help heroes who don't sign up, "concentrate" on why they should.

- We get our first look at the Captain America's Resistance. Heroes on Cap's side include Falcon, The Young Avengers, Luke Cage, "Daredevil", Hercules, Cloak, Dagger, and Cable. Seriously did they pick those name out of a hat?

- The real biggie the last page of Civil War issue 2 that was built up to set the Internet on fire was. Spiderman revealed himself as Peter Parker at a press conference.

- The Thunderbolts have taken up the job of going after villains and attempting to get them to reform and register to be Heroes.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Crazy Ass Rumors!!!

Who doesn't love a great rumor? These articles aptly titled "Crazy Ass Rumors" will consist of the best rumors I've come across. Some may be true. MOST are probally just Crazy....Ass....Rumors. Either way it will be fun and if anyone has a Crazy Ass Rumor that want me to spread like the plague then please email me at Let the Games Begins.

- Tony Stark, aka Iron Man may be more than meets the eye? No not a transformer unless he's transforming in to a villain. One crazy ass rumor is that he somehow had control over Nitro when we KABOOM in issue one of Civil War. That would be a tough boo-boo to fix. Then again Hal Jordan did worse.

- Last dance for Mary Jane? Joe Q has been debating it for weeks now. Does MJ need to be taken care of so that Peter Parker can be the swinger he used to be. Joe Q has gone on record many times saying that Peter and MJ getting married was a huge mistake for the characters. Does something horrible happen to MJ at the end of Civil War issue two? We will find out Wednesday.

- Fastest man in the world returning to DC? The new Flash series is kicking off soon and the big question of Who is the Flash is on everyone's mind. I personally believe it will still be Wally while most people are banking on Bart picking up the mantle. Well now you can add a crazy ass rumor that Barry Allen is coming back to be the one true Flash. If Hal and Ollie are back I guess it only makes sense.

- Spiderman 3 & 4? A new move in Hollywood is film two movies at once. Hell sometimes they even do three. LOTR, Kill Bill, Back to the Future, Pirates of the Caribbean, and now maybe Spiderman. Some are speculating that all the hush hush secrets behind Spiderman are going to lead up to the big reveal that Sam and company are actually filming Spidey 3 and 4. This would explain why so many new characters are being brought in. Either that of Spidey 3 will be 5 hours long.

- Ultimate Ghost Rider? Not only is there a rumor that we will be seeing Ultimate Ghost Rider sometime this year. The real kicker is that he's suppose to join The Ultimates as a part of Jeph Loeb's "Ultimates 3" Before you throw it away in the crazy ass pile, think about this. Ghost Rider movie is right around the corner. Also Ghost Rider will be in the new game based on the Ultimate Universe, "Ultimate Alliance". Not so crazy ass anymore is it?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

News You Already Know

- Martian Manhunter has been running around dressed like a male stripper for much too long. With the launch of a new series Martian Manhunter will also be getting a new look. Previews of the new book and Manhunter's new look are available at Comic Book Resources and Newsrama.

- Multiple websites are reporting that brothers Greg and Colin Strause have signed on to be the directors of Alien vs Predator 2. The Strause brothers are known for various music videos they've directed. You can check out their resume of work at their official website HERE.

- Superman documentary to air on A&E on June 12th. "Look, Up in Sky. The Amazing Story of Superman" The Documentary was put together by Bryan Singer and Kevin Burns and covers the early days of Superman radio show all the way up to the upcoming "Superman Returns". The documentary is narrated by Kevin Spacey and is receiving positive reviews. For a more detailed review of the DVD version of the upcoming documentary head over to AICN.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Civil War: Front Line


Yesterday we reported that we would have round the clock 24/7 coverage of Marvel's Civil War. Today Marvel released Front Line as a tie in to this company wide crossover. Now you can feast upon all the important details in easy to swallow bites.

- Spiderman is still on the fence about whose side to be on.

- Tony Stark revealed to the world that he is Iron Man, to show his support for registration.

- Speedball's body was found in Stockton, Upstate New York.

- Not only is Speedball NOT dead, he no longer has powers and was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.

That's all we've got today but check back all the time because news could break ANYTIME. But will more than likely break of Wednesdays when new books come out.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Half Ass War Coverage

Civil War

The Marvel Universe has broke out in to Civil War. The government wants anyone with super powers to register with the government and be trained by the government and work for the government. You can see the pattern right?

The Super Human Registration Act has split the heroes of Marvel right down the middle. Some characters like Iron Man are Pro-Registration while others like Captain America are firmly against it. The first issue came out almost a month ago and since then there's been about 100 different tie-in issues. Next week issue 2 comes out and it's been promised by Marvel that the last page will set the internet on fire. I don't really think that's possible but I did put a fire extinguisher next to my PC.

Just like CNN or FOX News "Cee Diddy Holla" will be cranking out around the clock 24/7 news coverage of Marvel's Civil War. If it happens during Civil War, CDH will be here to report it. It's only fair that I tell you all that I won't be buying a lot of the tie-in issues that help make up the Civil War, which sorta turns my 24/7 news coverage in to half ass war coverage. Although I won't waste my money buying every book that says "Civil War" (Due to the fact that I'm still buying DC books that says "One Year Later") I will make the promise to flip through the pages of those books and try to remember everything I can and report it back to you.

Monday, June 05, 2006

News You Already Know

It would be great if I could bring all my fans the most up to date news in the comic book world but it's just not going to happen. Instead what I can do is post tidbits of news that I've come across while surfing the web. Enjoy my first installment of, "News You Already Know".

- The news broke last week that DC comics was bringing back Batwoman to the DC universe. DC Executive Editor Dan Dido has been quoted saying that Batwoman would only being appearing in the pages of 52, but Monday Rich Johnston reported in his article "Lying in the Gutters" that an ongoing series is already in the works to be launched this year with the creative team of Devin Grayson & Dustin Nguyen.

- A lot of different sites are reporting that casting for "Fantastic Four: The Next Chapter" is underway. A press release from Elite Casting explained that they're looking for many different "TYPES". I have no idea what that means. It also says that the Fantastic Four will be battling Silver Surfer and Galactus. If the story is true this means one thing. Fox Studios has NO LOVE for the Moleman.

- WizardWorld: Philadelphia took place over the weekend. had the best coverage I saw this weekend with reviews of every major panel that took place. I won't just copy and paste everything they posted but will mention a few highlights in easy to swallow morsels.
- DC gets lucky and Ed McGuiness signs with Marvel.

- Marvel will be releasing a HALO graphic novel in July.

- Dr.Strange miniseries in October from Brain K Vaughn & Marcos Martin.

- Joe Quesada hasn't read DC's Infinite Crisis yet.

- DC is releasing a Mystery in Space miniseries by Jim Starlin & Shane Davis that will feature the new Captain Atom.

- The Omega Men return to DC in October courtesy of Anderson Gabrych & Henry Flint.

- Martian Manhunter might not be the sole survivor of Mars.

- Morrison & Kubert's "Son of Batman" story will have ties to "Son of the Demon".

- That's really just a small glimpse at what was revealed at WizardWorld. If you want more details please check out for their coverage.

The Start of Something Average

Welcome to Paradise

I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog for some time now. Most people start a blog because they've got something to say, they wanna be heard by the masses. The bloggers of the world need to see their screen names up in lights. After they see the new trailer for a movie that comes out in 6 months they thrive to be the first on their blog to bash the hell out of it. Other bloggers have already tasted the sweet flavor of fame and use their blog to keep snacking on seconds. I fall somewhere in the middle. I'm nowhere near famous. Not only have I never tasted fame if I went to the restaurant where they served fame I would be ejected from the restaurant like a hobo. I wouldn't mind being famous but at the same time how famous can one really get from writing a blog? Not just any blog mind you, a blog about comic books.

So this begins my experiment with writing a blog. Do I think this will result in a big steaming plate of fame? Hell Yeah!!...............Okay maybe not a big steaming plate but perhaps an appetizer.

Now the big question. What the hell is this blog all about? Basically I pride myself in being a pretty big Geek. I can be a geek in a lot of different categories but my favorite is being a comic book geek. Talking about comics is addictive to me. If someone starts talking about comics with me I automatically go in to Uber-Geek mode and won't stop until my voice is gone or until the other person runs away. Don't get me wrong though I am not one of those fanboys who feels he knows everything. There's plenty of comic crap that I don't know and that's part of the fun in talking to another geek cause I always learn something new. With this blog I hope to spread some knowledge, learn a few new things, get my opinions out there, and have some fun. This blog that I've titled "Cee Diddy Holla" will feature some news, reviews, and articles all relating to comics and the worlds that they dip in to. In other words, I'll be right there bashing that trailer for a movie that doesn't come out for six months.
