Saturday, July 01, 2006

Reviews in 10 Words or Less

All you need is ten words or less to know if a book is worth buying and im going to prove it.

Daredevil # 86 - Brubaker is Amazing on this title. Buy it now.

Exiles # 83 - Very touching, good jump on point. Consider buying.

Ultimate Spider-Man # 96 - Fuck You!

All Star Superman # 4 - Amazing, go buy it now!!

Batman # 654 - Great conclusion, touching ending, pick up trade.

MoonKnight # 3 - Good art, intense story, check it out.

Young Avengers # 12 - Good, but a shame it was so late.

Flash # 1 - Art is lil suspect, but cool concept. Check it out.

Ultimates 2 # 11 - Very cool, but suffers from bi-monthly. Worth wait? Sure.

Crazy Ass Rumors!!!

- Splitting the Internt in HALF? Brian Micheal Bendis just might be planning on something big for Ultimate Spidey and the Green Goblin. Something that might "split the internet in half". Expect something right around the release of Spidey 3.

- Lois Knocked Up? Did Supes do the dirty and knock up Lois duing 52? Only time will tell. Superman having a kid may have been one of those ideas that were taboo for years, but hey did anyone see Superman Returns??

- Canadian Avengers? As a result of Civil War Captain America is rumored to leave to Canada with other heroes to start a "new" Avengers. The rumored roster includes, Captain America, Winter Solider, Wolverine, Thing, Hawkeye, Ronnin, and Wasp.

- Spawn - Spiderman?? JMS and Joe Q are rumored to be working on the Spawn/Spiderman crossover. If this is true does this mean McFarlane is ready to draw his version?

News You Already Know

- The Spiderman 3 trailer has hit the internet and its very cool to say the least. When watching it shot by shot you can see Sandman, Green Goblin, Gwen Stacey, The Symbiote Suit, Eddie Brock, and Spidey, BUT you don't see Venom. I wonder if this has anything to do with that Crazy Ass Rumor about two Spidey movies being filmed at once. You can check out the trailer at the following link ............ Apple - Trailers - Spider-Man 3

- Speaking of trailer we also go a good look at the Transformers teaser trailer. Not as cool as Spidey but I still think you should go check it out at the following link ........... Transformers Movie - Official Site of Transformers: The Movie

- Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness will be working on Ultimates 4. Yea I know Ultimates 2 isn't even over yet. Too bad they can't do movies like that. The story is rumored to feature lots of Thor and Hulk and be late every month.

- It's official The Silver Surfer will be featured in Fantastic Four 2. No word on casting yet.

- Hugh Jackman is all about making that Wolverine movie. You want to read about the script that is full of spoilers? Sure you do check it out here .......... Wolverine Script Review

Big Weekend Updates

Like Herpes, Almost Gone, but Still Here.......

Big weekend in comic book geek world so above are going to be some updates on News You Already Know, and Crazy Ass Rumors. Also I'm going to debut a new feature called Reviews in 10 Words or Less. Enjoy and Happy 4th Everyone!!!!!
