Tuesday, October 17, 2006

News You Already Know

* DC Comics will be releases a few new Year One specials sometime in 2007. The books include Green Arrow, Metamorpho, Teen Titans, Black Lightning, and Huntress.

* Issue #12 of Nextwave will be it's last issue and that's a DAMN shame cause the book kicks ass. The good news is that Nextwave will return in a series of mini-series.

You Tube Theater

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Crazy Ass Rumors

Heroes Edition

The new hit show Heroes only gets better and better and there are so many crazy ass rumors out there. Here are a few that we've come across.

* Save the Cheerleader, Save the World! But what is it the cheerleader needs to be saved from? One crazy ass rumor suggests that its not death she needs to be saved from but a turn to the dark side.

* Nikki's dual personality is actually the missing father of her child. Somehow she's absorbed him.

* Mohinder's father is not actually dead and is in hiding while he works with Claire's Dad.

* The bomb that goes off in five weeks is suppose to happen to progress the history of the Heroes and Sylar knows this and that is why he's trying to kill them off. Sylar is actually Peter and is from the future.

* Nikki's husband is actually the black mute seen in episode 4.

* The bomb that goes off isn't Sylar its actually one of the heroes who can't control his powers.

* Sylar's powers are the same as Magneto's.

There Can Only Be One

Here's your update for "There Can Only Be One", this Sunday episode one will be posted. All six of the sexy six will be reviewed and one will be eliminated. Now each episode will have a special challenge that could keep a book alive. Some of these challenges include, Best Cover, Best Dialogue, Coolest Action Sequence, and Best Last Page. If a book wins that week's challenge it will be spared for one week. This week's challenge is "Best Cover". The book that has the best cover this episode will be spared til next month. Be here Sunday night for the first episode of There Can Only Be One.
