Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Site News

We all know that Superman is a dick. It's been proven by countless scientist over the years. Here at Cee Diddy Holla we're going to be doing our duty by posting some classic covers from DC comics over the year that shows just how much of a dick Superman is. All covers are courtesy of the site Superman is a Dick.

Superman is a Dick

Four prime reasons why Superman is a Dick. Click on the thumbnails and enjoy the dickery.....

Civil War Late Breaking News

Civil War Issue 4 comes out next week. In the meantime enjoy this animated version of the Epic Story......

There Can Only Be One

Casting Special #2

Here's another list of titles that might end up being a part of "There Can Only Be One". Once again remember that when the books are choosen it will be totally random. To make things interesting though one book will be a choice of a reader of this site.


New Excaliber
Ms Marvel
New X-Men Academy
Ultimate X-Men


Batman Strikes
Ex Machina
JLA Classified

Dark Horse

Star Wars Legacy


Truth Justin & America Way

News You Already Know

Joe Q Edition

The following is all news that Joe Q has broke recently. Good stuff!!!

- Alan Davis is bringing back Clandestine for Marvel.

- Nova is getting a new series that spawns from Annihilation. Also spwaning from Annihilation will be a series following the Heralds of Galactus.

- Sean McKeever will be doing a new series called SpiderMan Family. Finally Marvel has answered the pleas of the fans and are giving us yet another Spider-Man title.

- In 2007 Spider-Man will be going back to the black suit. There's speculation that it won't be Peter Parker in the suit. *COUGH* bullshit *COUGH*

- Marvel's 2007 big summer event will feature Hulk and is titled World War Hulk.

- Joe Michael Straczynski will be relaunching Thor.

- Coming straight outta the pages of Runaways will be C.B. Cebulski's limited series about The Loners.

- Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan will be taking over Runaways. I'll get heat for this but, what a waste of talent.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Crazy Ass Rumors

Everyone's favorite post is back. Some of the rumors you're about to read have been posted on various sites. Others are purely speculation. As always feel free to post your own rumors.

- Who is SuperNova? One of the mysteries of 52 is the identity of SuperNova. The rumor we've heard is that SuperNova is actually one of Superman's Andriods.

- The script for the Captain America movie is still being worked on but an outline of the film has leaked to the internet. The outline says that the movie would take place during WW2 with the villians being The Red Skull and Baron Zemo. The movie would end with Captain America in the block of ice as a set-up for The Avengers movie.

- In 2007, right around the time Civil War ends, Spider-Man will be going back to sporting the very cool black costume. Now one could say that the return of the black costume is just a tie-in to Spidey 3, but the crazy ass rumor is that this costume change will be a result of a death in the family. Who is going to die? The obvious answer is MJ, but that's too obvious for the Crazy Ass Rumors. So instead we're going with Peter Parker faking his own death, OR the return of Ben Reily.

- Here is your rumored line-up for The New Avengers Post Civil War, Iron Man, Warbird, Ares, Wonder Man, Wasp, Giant-Man, and Ronnin.

News You Already Know

- If you love the new Marvel series Heroes for Hire then I have bad news for you. The creative team just signed an exclusive deal with DC. Jimmy Palmiottie and Justin Gray will finish the eight issues they're committed to and then start doing stuff for DC. As of right now the series will continue after Palmiottie and Gray leave.

- Someone that won't be leaving Marvel anytime soon is Joss Whedon. After his run on Astonishing X-Men he will be working on a new project.

- Dan Didio has stated at the recent Baltimore Comic Con that ADam Huges will be doing a six issue All-Sar Wonder Woman run. Expect all six issues to come out before issue three of the regular series is out.

- Brian K. Vaughn will be leaving the cult favorite Runaways as of issue 24. Expect a new writer to be announced soon.

- First Michael Avon Oeming announced that Beta Ray Bill will be in Omega Flight. Now he's pretty much told us that US Agent will also be in Omega Flight. It was announced that as a part of the special Civil War: Choosing Sides, Omeing and Kolins will be doing a story feature US Agent. Now we just gotta figure out that Spider-Woman.

- AICN has pics of Things new look from Fantastic Four 2. They've changed the head and I think it looks great. Check out the pics HERE.