Monday, October 30, 2006

News You Already Know

* Bryan Singer gets a second chance to let Superman punch something in the sequel to Superman Returns. The stipulation is that Warner Brothers need to greenlight the movie first. The Crazy Ass Rumors attached to this announcement is a title of "The Man of Steel", a released date of 2009, and Hugh Jackman as General Zod. Let the speculation begin.

* Stuart Immomen will be taking over the art chores of Ultimate Spider-Man, and I couldn't be happier. So here is where I thank you for not buying one of my favorite books NextWave, and resulting in it's cancellation.

* Marvel is going to pull a fast one and put some very important Civil War plot twist in Black Panther #21 without warning us. So make sure you grab this book while you can.

* Marvel will be getting their own set of stamps in the near future. Characters included in this first set are Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Elektra, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Hulk, and Paste Pot Pete.