Monday, February 19, 2007

New York Comic Con Countdown

This Friday I will trek out to New York with my lovely girlfriend and Kyle for the New York Comic Con. Before that can happen though a few things come first. First and foremost I have to work ALL WEEK!!! Wednesday Civil War comes to an end!!! Who dies?? Who cares?? How many new books will be launched?? It's going to be tough but I'm going to try to get some new posts on here as we countdown the time to New York Comic Con. First and off let's check out one last batch of Civil War: Crazy Ass Rumors.....

Civil War Crazy Ass Rumors (Final Edition)

* The Punisher will be making the save before the sharpshooter can kill Aunt May and Mary Jane. The sharpshooter does get one shot off though that puts Mary Jane in a coma that drives Spidey to his black suit.

* Steve Rogers doesn't die in Civil War, but he does turn himself in at the end, but only after beating Iron Man from an inch to his life.

* The Winter Solider takes over for Captain America for a short time as Iron Fist did for Daredevil. He does so with the help of Sharon Carter after she's released by SHEILD.

* Nick Fury dies.

Could any of these true? Yes. Could all of these turn out untrue? Yes. They're called Crazy Ass Rumors for a resaon. Enjoy and post any that you've come across.


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