Saturday, February 24, 2007

New York Comic Con Day 1

As I sit here in my hotel room on the morning of day 2 I can only hope that the next two days are as fun as my first. Me and the triad ended up at the convention center around 3. At this point there was already a small line forming outside. We braved the cold air and made fun of a Spider-Man that wasn't going commando under his suit. Finally the doors opened for us little people and Comic Con began. The first thing you see is the DC booth. Once again a great showing by DC. Right away DC had of their artist waiting to meet the masses. Marvel also had a small both and I wont complain about it at all cause I'd rather see them with a small booth instead of no booth at all.
Right away there was a lot going on and you didn't know what you wanted to do first. After we took a lap around the main floor we headed to Artist Alley. Our first brush with greatness came when we met Steve McNiven. We had grabbed some Civil War sketch books from the Marvel booth so we had something for him to sign. We all got a chance to gush and tell him how great Civil War looked. When asked what his next project would be he replied by saying, "Not really sure yet. Me and the guys at Marvel are going sit down and discuss it face to face this weekend."
Next was the Marvel Civil War panel. All the real sites out there are covering it so I"m not going to recap everything. A lot of people were upset that Captain America was crying at the end of Civil War #7 and still didn't feel right about the ending. Joe Q, with the help of Dan Slott, really nailed the ending with their explanation. They pretty much said, "If you were in trouble and some guy in a mask just came up out of nowhere to save with you, wouldn't you feel better if you knew he was a trained professional?". They made a point of explaining that all the registered heroes are now part of the goverment's army. They also announced that The Champions would be getting a relaunch. When asked about Civil War: Fallen Son, Joe Q was very tight lipped and said you would have to read the book. Also when asked about the Joss Whedon ending to Civil War, Joe Q. was about to tell the story but then remembered he couldnt just yet, but would on once the time was right.
After Marvel Shane O Mac had to leave our group but would return for Day 2. The adventure for myself and Kyle continued as we checked out The Darkness demo for Xbow 360, Virtua Fighter 5 for PS3, and a few PC games. I attempted to meet Paul Dini but was denied, which is okay cause I will meet him today. Kyle got to meet Greg Horn, and I ran in to Greg Rucka. As usual Greg Rucka was the coolest guy in the world.
The last event of the day was the DC Nation panel. Once again I wont repeat all the news because will do a better job, but I do want to go over some great moments. The DC Nation panels are always a lot of fun. Nightwing was spared this year and not threaten with death so much. They talked a lot about Countdown and revealed all their teasers. Keith Giffen was the star of the show throwing out one-liners left and right and cracking up the whole place. When asked what the general reaction to the new diversity of culture and races of the new DC heroes, Keith was quick to say, "Well the white folk hate it." Paul Dini also had a great line when asked if he read All-Star Batman and Robin. His reply was, "Yeah I used to read that book when I was a kid." Overall DC was a lot of fun and I cant wait for their next one today.
As far as pictures, they will be coming but not right away. Day 2 should be even more fun with even more going on. As for right now though, the battery in this pc is getting to die and im too lazy to find the AC plug.

~ Diddy

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