Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New York Comic Con Countdown

First we have some big news. This is news that hasn't broken on any sites yet. Just added to the New York Comic Con will be the one and only....Shane O Mac. That's right Shane will joining myself and trusty friend Kyle to form a very special Comic Con Triad. What you will find below will be a special News You Already Know: Comic Con Edition.

News You Already Know: NY Comic Con

* DC will be cancelling Green Arrow and re-launching the book as Green Arrow & Black Canary. This will kick off with their upcoming marriage.

* Speaking of DC. It seems that DC loves weekly books. Who can blame them? 52 has been a hit even though it lost steam a few weeks back. So now DC will be starting a new series entitled Countdown. It will start at issue 51 and go down to zero. What the hell are they counting down to? Expect an amazing panel at Comic Con to tease all sorts of plots.

* The Bendis/Mack, Daredevil project that has been teased will end up being announced as Daredevil: The End. This should be a really cool book. I couldn't think of any other team that should bring us Daredevil's last story.

Keep in mind that Cee Diddy Holla will be updating over the weekend, and hopfully with a crap load of pictures.

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